Guitar Catalog

+7 (917) 124-64-66 , +7 (927) 614-37-27

Russia, Syzran, st. Soviet, 58
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Russia, Syzran, etc. 50 years of October, 24d
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Мы в социальных сетях
trust the vest

More than 20 years of experience in repair and restoration of guitars has allowed us to avoid many of the problems that instruments from other manufacturers have. A wealth of experience and the latest technological solutions have allowed us to embody reliability and quality in our guitars, while maintaining a great sound and unique appearance.

Крепление грифа "Ласточкин хвост"

Fastening the Dovetail Neck

Отделка с открытыми порами

Open cell finish

Веерообразное крепление пружин

Fan-shaped mounting of springs

This arrangement of springs on the front deck provides a unique sound quality and better resonance.

Гриф с анкерным стерженем

Vulture with Anchor Rod

The presence of an anchor rod, both in acoustic and in classical guitars, allows you to adjust the bend of the neck, and also gives versatility to the instrument.

Крепление струнодержателя на двух винтах

Fastening the tailpiece with two screws

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